Don’t you dare to judge me

Don’t you dare to judge me/Soup for the Soul
Don’t you dare to judge me/Soup for the Soul-Everyday passing from the crossing signals but every time ignored those children knocking your window screen, begging for food. Went to temple, worship the god, but never give any child a glass of milk just because they are human not god. Yes that’s what we are doing! Ever asked any child who beg for food, who is he? Where are his parents? Oh yeah! Why we need to worry for all this, just because your child is safe, secure and healthy. There is a help line number 1098 which is open for 24 hours. I am not saying to support chain of begging, I am saying to support those childhood growing in a cage.
Soup for the Soul India
“Don’t look at me like this, just because you have pretty white skin!”
Humans prefer white skin above dark skin. Why? All the dark-colored people never chose to look dark. They are also created by the same one nurturer of this whole universe. What’s your problem even if I m comfortable with my color. Judge me for my work, for my character not for my color. I hope to live in a country or in world where I will be accepted as normal and not judged by my color. I am happy for the revolution & I am happy for Barack Obama.
I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.