AIB First Draft Writing Test I Failed. Watch Out For Season 2

AIB First Draft Writing Test Season 2
Please Note (Their Instructions):
- Do finish all four of your assignments within 10 days of you receiving this. Failing to do so will result in the rejection of your application. Which is why, we advise you to start work immediately, so you can revise and re-write in order to put your best foot forward without missing the deadline.
- Completing all four assignments is compulsory. Aalsi mat bano.
- Follow the word-limit set with each exercise. Overshooting the word-limit will result in rejection of your application.
- One person can make only one entry. Please do not send us multiple attempts to this assignment. (Save the split personalities for the stories you’re going to write.)
- Fill in your answers in this very document. Once you’re done with your assignment – attach it in a mail with the Subject line: Assignment by <Name> and send it to us at
- Remember to fill in your contact details at the top of this document.
- We will go through your completed assignments and short-list the finalists for an interview. If you are shortlisted, we will contact you through email/phone. If you do not receive any intimation about the same, it means you could not make it to the short-list. Also, due to the large number of entries expected, we will not be able to provide individual feedback to you. We hope you understand. We wish you all the best. Work hard and impress us with wonderful, powerful writing.
The selection process requires you to complete the following, based on which we will shortlist and then meet you for an interview. Please read the instructions above carefully before submission.
- We are giving you five characters. A sweet old lady. A corrupt cop. A brave little girl. A good hearted dwarf. A romantic soldier. Imagine a feature film with any three as your principal characters. Write an outline of the film’s plot, making sure to communicate its beginning, middle and end. (300 words)
Menage a Trois- portrays the life of patriotic troika: A tainted and spinster woman, benevolent dwarf and amorous soldier.
Libya, a hapless and miserable country of North Africa, is busy in warfare against ISIS. Amidst the military action and combat of the country, KONDO, a brave and maverick soldier, falls in love with a URBI living in Misurata. URBI is one of those rare bold women who get involved in the illicit activities around the suffering country. Being Naysayer and Callous, she never found any guy who could deal with her unusual nature. Her taintedness was requisite in the country she was living in & as a country lover; she somehow recycled her black money in Libya’s upliftment.
KONDO who is already married to PANYA doesn’t care of what society will think & remarries with URBI KONDO and URBI both served their country distinctively. PANYA, an open hearted anthropologist, lives her life with fullest in Benghazi although being midget was certainly embarrassing. But she knew that KONDO loved her invariably because of her philanthropic and patriotic nature.
PANYA finds about KONDO’s affair with URBI when the soldier dauntlessly took the corrupt lady to his home in Benghazi. PANYA desperately condemned the relationship of the duo as she had a sense that URBI beguiled her husband falsely. He hopingly manages to make a shrewd strategy to solve the miseries of Libya by utilizing the skills of both efficaciously, one who bribes but utilize money and other who is a great orator and public influencer.
In Feb 2013, Libya won the war & the trio was honored when court officially stated that Libyan men are allowed to remarry without consent of first wife. The troika inadvertently revolutionized the tradition of 21st century as ‘Menage a Trois’ surpassed ‘Live-in Relationship’.
- Write a scene (in not more than 500 words) based on the following outline: Wife is at home. Husband enters. They have not been talking for some days. One of them tries to cajole the other. The other withdraws. The first one goes back to doing what he/ she was doing. The other comes to the first one and kills him/her.Please note that the scene cannot have any dialogue. So you can only write the scene-description.
Pondering about her husband MATT, BELLA was perplexed and despaired of what she must do to console him of her distrustful deeds. Waiting for him, she was watching TV at 12 pm to explain why she got physical with MATT’s best friend RICK. She assembled herself as soon as she heard the vrooming sound. The sound of the key pierced into the door lock was the countdown for BELLA to react promptly before MATT goes to his bedroom without speaking a single word. She wanted to end the 3-days weird pause between the two. MATT, handsome and cool, wore blazer with a tie; had a suitcase with him when he stepped into home.
Without wasting any single second, she hurriedly went on to him, grabbed his suitcase and started cajoling him. He resisted at once but after 3-seconds got rid of her completely and began walking towards his bedroom. She followed him, caught him from the back and hugged him tightly trying to take off his blazer. MATT couldn’t think of anything but the rage and panic he felt inside when he thinks of RICK and BELLLA sleeping together. He obviated from the living room by throwing her hands away & evaded upstairs.
She moved on to sofa against the TV set as she knew that she won’t be able to sleep. The continuous 2-nights dose of sleeping pills had much of the worse effect already so she skipped it to take it that night. She wanted to go upstairs and try to sort things out but she had no idea what she would say in her defense. Last night, they had an intense quarrel when he came home drunk and spilled out his genuine fury. After a dozen minutes, she heard footsteps of MATT coming downwards. An expert in philematology, she knew how to seduce him as the revealing shirt and panty look had deceived MATT in her past 6 months secret relationship with RICK.
She didn’t care about the strange blush MATT did when coming downstairs but stood up from the sofa to go to him trying to strip her shirt. She went straight to him, seized him by his hairs and started kissing wildly. MATT responded it by tearing her bra and squeezed her breasts like anything. To her surprise, MATT didn’t take out his clothes but she didn’t think of it as much. MATT pushed her to the sofa and sat above her, making a perfect position to have intercourse. He again resisted BELLA when she tried unzipping his pants, and thrown her violently this time. She knew now that something was wrong and with the half-naked body she was staring at him with lust and shame altogether. But this time BELLA couldn’t smile back against the devil smile of MATT. He took out his machete and stabbed her on the cleavage. She cried out loudly when he repeatedly struck the knife to her sensuous areas thinking about the reason why she cheated on him.
Soon, the season 2 of AIB First Draft Writing Test is coming. This is specially for those who want to crack it. Well, I didn’t. You can know the reason why I didn’t, at least. Duh.
Must Read For You: Sunny Vaghela Is Not Ethical
- Re-write the same scene between the husband and the wife with dialogues. The dialogues can be in Hindi or in English. (Max 1000 words.)
Watching TV till 12 pm was never intended to be in the schedule of BELLA, but she was desperately waiting for her spouse MATT to resolve the cynical deed. They had been fighting verbally since last 3 days but nothing came up to breakdown point. Her sinful act of sleeping with MATT’s best friend RICK came to end 4-days back when she and RICK were caught canoodling on their bedroom. Hearing the sound of gates open, she embattled herself for nasty conversation. She knew that she would be insulted but she wanted to sort it out no matter what it takes.
“Hey, Mrs. BELLA RICK SHARMA, How are you doing?” asked MATT
BELLA interrupted him by saying, “MATT, please listen to me. I know that I have done an unforgivable act which is punishable and I am ready for it.”
“Oh, you want to be punished? Let me call RICK. He will do strict rope bondage sex as he must be good in corporal punishment.” hinted MATT
“Baby, we were just being intimate and didn’t have sex. Believe me, MATT”, requested BELLA
MATT roared and taunted, “You didn’t have sex. That’s what you are telling me. So, canoodling, smooching and squeezing is fine with him. That is what you mean? I can’t believe that the two closest people in my life cheated on me just to have sex. Was I not satisfying you physically? Well, yes my penis would have been pretty small to suffice your lust. You always told me that RICK has ideal built and physic. How could you do this to me? I mean, Fuck up, I don’t want to have any conversation with you.”
She was thankful inside because MATT was speaking out his anger and the 3-days weird pause between the two came to an end. MATT was good-looking, generous and cool guy but BELLA was gorgeous, hot and a perfect wife for any man. MATT would always be teased by his colleagues and friends, “You are a lucky Bastard. You have a got a combo of beauty and character.” MATT reminded that lines to himself in these 3 days in order to feel more and more pity and hatred. Before he gets more sentimental, he rushes towards the staircase to go to his bedroom. But she followed him and hugged him tightly trying to take off his blazer. He murmured in his ears, “Darling, it’s always been you. I have made a terrible mistake and I don’t want to lose you ever. I just want to be with you forever. I will make you overcome this issue.” Listening this, he burst out loud explaining, “ Oh, so you can make a compensation. How? By forcing me to sleep with other woman? You are such a lose character. I couldn’t believe I married you. How could you abandon me like this? Can you imagine what it is like to be at my place thinking about his best friend and wife sharing the same bed? ”
Before he could complete his statement, he hastily ran towards his bedroom shouting, “Why, Why, Why,….?”It was the same 3-days routine unending conversation that happened that day so she moved on to sofa again trying to recall the sinful affairs. Still, she hadn’t told him that the relationship was since past 6 months and she was unoriented. The usual way to sleep would be to take sleeping pills but before she did, she heard footsteps of MATT coming downwards. She finally decided to use sex as the weapon as she had been an expert in philematology and exactly knew how to seduce man. This trick had saved her since the time she got engaged in the physical affair with RICK.
To her shock, MATT stepped down the staircase with a smile. She couldn’t interpret whether it was genuine or evil. She didn’t care about it and went straight to him and started kissing wildly
MATT responded it by tearing her bra and squeezed her breasts like anything. To her surprise, MATT didn’t take out his clothes but she didn’t think of it as much.
“You know what I felt when I saw you both together?” he smirked. “That I should kill you both as there would be no regret left to me if you both die”
“What are you saying baby? Please stop it.”, requested BELLA.
MATT pushed her to the sofa and sat above her, making a perfect position to have intercourse. Her body was the only thing that could please MATT at that particular moment. She tried to be wilder pretending as she needs physical pleasure
He taunted, “Let me tell you one thing, my sweet little cheat. I know that you have been together for 6 months and I couldn’t withstand that fact today when RICK himself told me that he loves you.”
“I don’t love him, darling. You know that I love you”, vowed BELLA.
“Oh come on, baby. Don’t be such a douchebag”, responded MATT.
BELLA strongly responded, “Really, call him here and we will resolve and clear out everything”
He again resisted BELLA when she tried unzipping his pants, and thrown her violently this time.
“He can’t be here, baby. I just came stabbing him with a shot gun.”
She couldn’t believe what he said but she knew got the intuition of something wrong. With the half-naked body, she was staring at him with lust and shame altogether. She still wanted to give it a try but now MATT’S reaction seemed vicious.
She felt frightful and tried to go away from him but he caught him hard and said, “Don’t worry, I have a machete for you as a sudden death as the gun won’t please and sooth my eyes.”
He smiled again but this time BELLA couldn’t smile back as this was truly his devil smile. He took out his machete and stabbed her repeatedly on all her sensuous areas considering it as the only reason she cheated on him for RICK.
- Score yourself on a scale of 0 to 10 for the following seven attributes. Please note that rating yourself highly or poorly will not increase your chances of selection. So just try to be as honest and objective as possible.
- Passion for Cinema – 9
- Knowledge of the Craft of Screenwriting- 5
- Experience of Writing Screenplays- 2
- Discipline- 8
- Persistence – 8.5
- Flexibility – 7
- Courage – 8
PS- Soon, the season 2 of AIB First Draft Writing Test is coming. Just don’t do this and you will be through. I did my best; it wasn’t enough. I want to better the best.