The way-Straight Forward by Sarkhedi Bhavik

The way-Straight Forward
The way-Straight Forward-Perspective Matters!We’re all different beings and we have our own individuality and that individuality comes from the different nature which we posses.
Some are happy-go-lucky people, some fun-loving while the others might seem sad and sorrowful, some might be cheered up while others seem dull. It’s not just because of the circumstances going on in our lives but also the way we look at things. Perspective matters!
To an ant, everything seems humungous and dominating, while to an eagle, things seem tiny. That is what a perspective can do to our behavior. An ant always runs away when it sees mammoth things coming to its way while an eagle flies fearlessly.
To be brave and to be fearless, one should always look at things from a bigger perspective, else things will just crush us and we would never be able to come up.
A happy life is for the brave hearts and brave hearts live it easy. The gutless will merely survive, they can’t live happily.
So, open up your mind, have a broader view and a higher perspective. Things will be quite laid-back!
Soup for the Soul
The Way-Straight Forward