Police and Law

Police and Law / Soup for the Soul
Police and Law are as essential for a free country as much as air is to survive. For the safety and security of the citizens of a country it is necessary to have a dedicated platoon and thus there is Police in every country of this world. But every country’s police force is different in its own way and to describe Indian police is way out of league, not because of the super new arms and ammunition they posses or the high-end chasing cars.
They are different because of their dedication and duty. Whatever the citizens may say about the police force being corrupt or irresponsible and at times even tormenting but if we look from their perspective we will realize the loopholes in our law and order. These Police-walas are under paid considering the risk and dangers involved in their job. Also the facilities given to them are very small. Also the mindset of people towards them is not very good.
This may be a reason why the police force is not happy with the citizens. Hence being law-abiding citizens of a great nation, it is our duty to be cooperative with the Police and at the same time be aware of our rights and responsibilities.