When To and when Not To Delegate Work [Enhanced]

Usually a manager has to delegate many tasks to different team members, but there are a few tasks which cannot be delegated. Some tasks are integral to the manager’s trademark; those few must be done exclusively by the manager. Let us have a look at what can be delegated and what cannot be or should not be:
Explaining the Vision
The job of explaining the larger picture concerning a project is the managers’ task. It is of essence that the vision and aim of the task is fully understood by the team members. This is possible only when a senior official briefs them about it. As a team leader, one is aware of all the strong points as well as weak points of the team. In this light, it is apt for the leader to communicate strategically with the team members and explain the planned working strategies. The leader must help them in studying the market scenario and take necessary steps accordingly. Organisational skills are indispensible to the workings of a successful company. And that is why not all work must be delegated by the senior officials.
Core responsibilities
The core competencies and related tasks must never be delegated. You were hired because of your speciality in tasks like those. So it makes no sense to delegate it further. These are the tasks which add the most value to the company and your personal work profile. As a leader of a business enterprise as well, it is only sensible to ascertain your leadership roles at a serious note and not outsource the core tasks and strategic planning tasks.
Managing Crisis
The presence of a leader is of essence whenever a crisis breaks out in the workplace. Your seniors must realise that you are capable enough to handle the crisis at the micro level itself. Monitoring such situations is the responsibility of the team leader, and such work must not be delegated to others. If it is delegated, it shows signs of incompetency. It is the duty of a wise leader to handle crisis situations effectively.
A leader must also be able to take tough decisions when the need arises. Do not be afraid that taking tough decisions will decrease your credibility in the eyes of the employees. They would rather start respecting your wishes. They will see you as a talented leader and follow your orders respectfully.
Moreover, as an employee of any company, you must never delegate the work given specifically to you. It would only go on to prove your incompetency and lack of confidence if you pass on the work to others. It would depict that you are not capable of working under stress, and not fit to deliver tasks as and when required.
Hence, it simply means that delegation of work is acceptable up to a certain level, but not at all instances. One must take responsibility and do the job required at the earliest.