If it doesn’t open,it’s not your door !

If it doesn’t open,it’s not your door !
If it doesn’t open,it’s not your door !-Keep knocking and while away, the doors won’t open, because you’re not the one meant to enter them, you don’t belong there!
You have your own skill, your own eccentricity, all you need to do is discovering the same and choosing your own path. The path will lead you to the doors which you’re meant to enter. Life is correctly called a journey and each one of us is on a different journey so how come we go through the same paths and enter the same doors?
The thing that is right for us will eventually fall in our way but we got to push ourselves in the direction of finding the right thing. No efforts go in vain if they are done with zeal and determination. And the efforts done in the direction of finding what we are meant to do, where do we belong and what we are destined for never fail.
Let’s give it an honest try to find the right door, that we’re meant to enter, where we belong. Let’s do the efforts in the right direction. Let’s stop knocking the wrong doors, they’ll never open anyways!