Top Recommended Resume Writing Services in India [Updated]

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In such fast-pacing world where everyone wants to do all the work fast and quick, don’t you want something, maybe a ‘Resume’ to show case your skill, talent, and achievements in one place. People take one look at the resume and they make- up their mind to either provide or take your job. So, here I am going to tell you all about resume, the importance and how you can obtain a strong resume with the help of some of the aspiring resume writing services present in India.
First of all, what is resume? Resume is a form of formal document which provide others an outline of your professional works along with your education qualification, skills, and any other form of notable accomplishments. When the resume is joined and send with a Cover Letter, it helps even more in proving your skill and convince the employers of your skill and make you hirable for the position as well. The main purpose of resume or CV is to provide a summary of your relevant skill and qualification to your employers.
To lay the foundation of an effective resume these five key details should be kept in mind:
- Introduction
- Contact details that are valid
- Education qualification
- Earlier work experience if any
- Skills required for the job you are applying for.
Now we got to know all about resume let us get to next easy step of why is it important for an individual to create a resume for themselves.
There are hundreds and thousands of people that are applying for the same job as you are but if you want to stand out from the crowd and get hired, it is the work of a resume to do so by highlighting all the important points needed for your employer to see on the right time. Thinking that resume only supplies an overview of your educational and professional background is wrong as the leading motive of resume is to convince the employer that you are worth the job or worth the interview. If the resume can provide a concise form of summary of all the required skills and qualification in an organized format and it makes the employer know about your ability to handle the amount of work as comprehensible so that you can get the interview you wish for.
How Do You Pick The Best Resume Writer For You?
- Examine resume examples.
On their website, a reputable resume service will have samples – preferably in a ‘before’ and ‘after’ manner. Examine the quality, but also the variety. If every resume appears the same, it’s likely that a template was utilised, meaning your new resume will be nothing like the others. Also, make certain that the samples impress you. If you don’t like them, you’ll be disappointed with the resume you receive at the conclusion of the procedure. - Set realistic goals for yourself
A professionally prepared CV may be quite beneficial to job searchers, allowing you to present your best self when applying for positions. It can also help you get your foot in the door with potential employers. However, your resume isn’t the end-all of your employment quest. There are many aspects that play into the hiring process; no resume writer can (or should) guarantee that your resume will earn you the job on its own. - Recognize what you’ll get for your money.
Ideally, you should receive a free resume evaluation or consultation before paying for a resume rewrite, as well as the ability to revise a draught version before finalising the document with your writer. With their resume bundles, several providers add a customised cover letter, a LinkedIn makeover, or some other service. - Time taken by the Professionals
The turnaround time for professional resume writing services varies. You’ll discover everything from a 24-hour turnaround to a month-long or longer wait list. How much free time do you have? If you’re not actively looking for work and don’t require a resume right away, you may be able to wait 30 days for your paperwork. If you’re actively looking for work and need it now, though, using a service that offers a professional resume in a couple of days to a week may be the best alternative.
Importance of resume for any job seekers
Thinking that resume solely can provide you directly with the job is a big mistake, but on contrary resume play a vital role in making you unique from others and put you up for an interview or any meet-up with the employer so that they can hire you. Employers substantiate your resume and then they see your personality by interview, ultimately resulting in giving you the job. There are many professional resume writers in India and here I will tell you how you can use these services for your own benefits.
In today’s fast evolving industries many companies are utilizing the service of resume tracking program, where the computer is selecting the resume based on the keywords that are fed in it. So, one must be extra cautious and should try to hire only professional resume writers or writing services so that the important keywords are not missed out and get tracked in the computer searching program as well as catch the attention of the employer who is reading your CV also.
There are many times when we think to ourselves- “If I could have just met the employer, I could have convinced them with my skill and why I was right for the job.” So, in this case your only chance is to encompass all that in an impressive resume, now do you want that one chance to get cut- out because you did not hire a professional resume writer, after all it will not cost you a fortune but can help you make a fortune for yourself.
Some other reasons that one should keep in mind why resume is needed are:
- It prepares you properly for the interview
- It makes you look organized
- Gives you a security and confidence in yourself
- As it has your contact details it can act as the calling card for you as well.
So, as you can see that writing resume from scratch can be time- consuming for you and to simply amplify the process you are just one click away and I am going to tell you all about those services and how you can utilize them for your own benefits.
Few of the Top Professional Resume Writing Services
Write Right
It is one of the leading professional resume writing service in India. It has a qualified team of resume writers that evaluate your skills and experience based on your niche, and the important points present in you CV are highlighted. There are different formats for making your resume, at Write Right they tell you all about the format and they choose the one that best suits your resume to give it a formal touch.
They develop an up-to-date professional resume; the one recruiter is looking for and the one that makes you stand out from the others applicants. The writers at Wright Right know the importance of resume and how much time is needed by the recruiter to accept or reject an application, so the resume made are so attention seeking that the recruiter can find the keywords in few seconds and match with their requirements and get you shortlisted based on your impressive resume. You can even contact the writer that is writing up your resume so that everything is formal and organized. The chances of grammatical error or any other spelling mistake is nil as they understand that language matters here.
Resume services offered are:
- LinkedIn Profile
- Cover letter
- CXO resume
- Visual resume
- Professional resume
- International resume
Another leading professional resume writing service in India is offered by Estorytellers. They have resume writing experts and they understand what distinct kinds of managers and CEO’s want to see in your resume. The writers in Estorytellers are well- versed with the right format for forming your perfect resume that is easily readable and impression forming on the employer. The resume writers focus on your skill, qualification, achievements, and experience so that you can have a job that you want and could be satisfactory to you as well.
As Estorytellers are expert in resume writing field they provide irresistible writing service that makes a strong impression for the job seekers. The applicant saves a lot of time and effort by providing the work to the resume professionals or experts. The experience at the Estorytellers will be great and you will go home with a up to the standard result and a perfect resume written by the versatile resume writers present at Estorytellers
Estorytellers resume writing services are:
- Timely delivering of resume
- Resume writing at an affordable price
- The accuracy of your bio is increased
- Quality of work is increased
- Impressive resume to grab the attention of the employer.
The professional and versatile writers at Taletel with their professional resume writing services. As we know about the competition going on in the business world, Taletel’s resume writers would help you to cope up with the competition and have an impression on the employer you send your application to.
The resume writing service will help you save time and extra effort. We all keep on seeking better jobs, so if you are stuck at a job and want a much better job you will not have time to create an attractive resume, here Taletel can help you easily and affordably with your CV. You give your time to interview preparation and the professional writers at Taletel will give theirs to your resume so that you can reach some good and potential employers in no time.
Taletel resume writing offers:
- Timely delivery of your resume
- Resume writing at affordable rates
- Excellent quality of work
- Increase in accuracy of your bio
- Powerful and impressive resume is obtained.
Resume Writing Experts
When there are hundreds and thousands of resumes to search out and select one, the recruiter will not be looking more than few seconds on each application, in this case you want your CV to be up-to-date and highlighted with all the important keywords that the recruiter is looking for. The impressive combination of their resume writing lies in being the expert of what to include and what not to include in your CV and in return you get the absolute best chance that you wish for.
Once you avail their service, they directly connect you to one of the best resume writers. Then the expert will connect with you and gather all the needed information, any other required information and useful suggestions from your side can also be included.
If you have already created your own resume or cover letter and just need a resume expert to check it for you, their experienced writers can help you with that too. They can proofread academic representation or experience to ensure that the quality of your work is not let down by any sort of typos or other silly grammar mistakes.
They also provide professional Visual resume writers that have clear understanding of the industries and they have done some extensive research in that field/ target market and niche. They can edit as well as create a new resume for you if needed urgently based on priorities. CV is something of a must have document that gives you a sharp edge in the competition.
CV Designer
This Chennai based company dedicates itself for creating resumes that are rich in content and designs. All the professional resume writers have an experience of over 10- years in the field of recruitment. They keep in mind all the norms required for writing an excellent resume that says- HIRE ME!
The CVs are individually and with all the careful observations, customized based on the industry that you particularly want and the experience you have. They use keywords that are industry specific and highlighted, often these are the keywords that the recruiter and the manager is looking for in the CV of an applicant when they try to source new talent into their industry or organization.
The various skills in resume writing provided by them are:
- Visual resumes
- Profile makeover
- Cover letters
- Info- graphic resumes
- Text resumes
- Resume writing
Get Set Resume
To get much brighter and better future you should focus on better resume as well, here at Get Set Resume you can get that help easily. This company can give you a research driven, analytically optimized and responsive resume or CV. They expertise in providing with World class professional document for your employer to see across any part of the world. They try to analyze your resume with respect to the present jobs available in the market or any specific vertical and prepare an edge cut especially for you.
One can easily and directly contact the expert with regards to their problem or can easily update with any extra upgradation in their skill.
Different services provided by them are:
- Biographies and elevator pitches
- Info- graphic resume
- LinkedIn profiles
- Resume or CV development
- Cover letter
- Resume V- Card
Who does not want to see some growth? Be it in their career or life sometimes, be it with some employment gaps in between or any switching of career fields at any moment of life, building a perfect resume on our own becomes tricky and difficult sometimes. But, with the help of professional resume writing service, you can manage to get your dream job. As I explained above Resume writers work to highlight the positive aspects of your career history, qualifications and make the negatives less important to the employer. Resume writing is a skill that gets developed with time and experience and something only the professional resume writers understand what the recruiters might expect from your resume. Hence, the resume professionals help with your CV to help you apply with confidence and get a positive outcome, the one that you wish.
To sum all this up, if an awesome career is required, an awesome resume should be your end goal, something that seals the deal with the employer and acts as a stepping stone in your career path. If you plan to compromise the worth of your CV you may as well lose trust and credibility from others.