How to write a perfect statement of purpose (SOP)? [Verified]

The greatest of humanity, paired with the smartest, what did they all have in common? The ones who revolutionized a particular field, or a multitude of fields, what are the traits they shared that made them stand out of the crowd? Bring particularly into consideration, the melodious world of musicians and singers. The legends are told and articles are written about all of the ones who made it to the glorious halls of fame. “What makes this singer better than everyone else?” people ask. Is it the determination? It is the talent? Maybe it is their ardent understanding and response to music, or perhaps it is the narcotics in the backstage that makes the metal genre what it is. But for a moment, think about the ones who did not make it there. They too possessed the traits inscribed in gold in the magazines, the articles, and the interviews. They too had an understanding of music, determination, and maybe worked even harder than the legends we hear of even today. For every one that made it, there stand a thousand before him that did not. The writer takes the liberty to ask you, what separated the group from the individual? For myself, it is the way they present themselves when it mattered.
First things first, what is a Statement of Purpose document? It is a way of conveying to the selection committee, details pertaining to your professional, educational, and personal background. An SOP document is the most important part of the university application process. It comprises your achievements, your relevant projects, job descriptions, and education. More importantly, not only does it describe that the above-mentioned traits, but also bring to life your personality in a beautiful flow of words. The order of the above-mentioned attributes will be explained in the following paragraphs, along with a few key points.
Writing a Statement of Purpose is no ordinary task, and not unlike most things in the world, it is an art form. An SOP not only provides an account of your core competencies but also allows the selection committee to take a look at what kind of person you are. Writing an SOP, as daunting as it might sound, is a simple process if you adhere to the basics of it. Add a little element of your distinct self, and voila! You have yourself a document you can be proud of. Something to keep in mind whilst penning down your life relevant to the course is that people are allured toward stories, and not novellas and novels. What I am trying to explain to you, dear reader is that your life should be molded into a story, and not just bullet points of important events. Take a look at these sentences:
“I am observant and empathetic. I am pursuing a career in Psychology.”
“My observational skills and empathy lead me into pursuing a rewarding career in Psychology.”
The difference between the two sentences must now be apparent. Write an interesting story, not a research paper.
Finally, we start with the first paragraph. A question for you, how long is your attention span? 2 minutes? 10 minutes? Interesting fact, the average attention span of a human is 8-12 seconds. What I am desperately trying to convey is that your first paragraph must be as catchy as can be. The person who reads your SOP has hundreds, if not thousands of other documents to read. So if we want to get the attention of someone with piles upon piles of work, what trick do we use? Generally to start, people use the first paragraphs as an ice breaker, which, not the best route to pursue. What would probably be successful in getting the reader’s attention would be something compelling enough for someone to stay. The first option is a simple yet attractive anecdote, maybe about how you got interested in the field you’re pursuing, or maybe a major life event that molded you into your present beautiful self. The second option, although tricky, is very effective for the long haul if you’d want to spice up your first paragraph and grab the reader’s attention right from the start. Start with an interesting historical or field-related anecdote (not belonging to the writer) which, upon reading, not just gives an insight into one’s interests in the field but also would be a delight to read. For example, here is an excerpt from the first paragraph of a student applying for an M.S. in Pharmacy:
”From the very first human who exposed a wound to the juice of a succulent leaf, we have come a very long way to digitizing and automating processes. And it is interesting to note that ancient civilizations over the globe did not hold back. The Greeks fashioned their myths based on delegating tasks to their idols to mix compounds that heal people. Apothecary as they would come to call it, and a Pharmacist for us mortals. It interests me that there was no huge varying degree between a physician and a pharmacist back then.”
Interesting, simple, and further elaborated upon to explain why this is what allures them toward this course.
The second paragraph, however, would have to be the most technical of the remaining paragraphs in the document. The second paragraph is generally utilized to introduce and elaborate upon your academic and professional career. First, skilfully pen down your academic journey, and keep everything to the point aiming toward not adding unnecessary details. If you have indulged in any important ventures you find vital to mention, such as research projects, papers, other relevant projects, you can mention them in this paragraph. In the case of research, write down as much as you can fit in a small word limit. This consists of the title of the research project/thesis (anything in addition to your curricular requirement), your responsibility and contribution, and the outcome. Again, keep in mind not to go on and on about it due to reasons that will be mentioned at the end of the article. If anything affected your grades, make sure not to ask for pity but to use it positively as evidence of how you wish to get back up on your feet and cross obstacles.
As for your professional career, be smart about it. One would not delve too much into the details about one’s work. Instead, just provide a quick and impactful overview of the work you completed and the responsibilities assigned to you. It is key that you mention any work experience of researching, designing, or interning in any area similar to your field of interest. Most importantly, slightly nudge in between some sentences about what you learned from projects and your work. Just mentioning that you are ‘analytical’ and ‘vigilant’ would not be in your best interest. What would be effective though is mentioning something you have done and then further describing what you learned from it.
The third paragraph should generally focus on the important points. This paragraph should include, in slight detail, why you are opting for the course you are opting for. It should include in good detail what motivates you and what all makes you well suited to pursue a course such as this one. It should also include what your short-term and long-term goals are, for the reader to understand your alignment with this course. Remember, everything you write should be relevant and in promotion of the degree you want to take up. For example, for a leadership-like course, one would hone the managerial skills that they have developed in their life and their experiences of the same. Write only about what increases your chances of getting into the university for the course.
The very last paragraph requires a little bit of research about the university one is applying for, which I am sure you have done since you are hoping to write an SOP. The last paragraph glorifies the details of why you want to enroll in this particular institution or university, and no other. Elaborate about why this university aligns perfectly with your needs, and why this is the university that serves your best interests. Describe in general what you love about the university you are applying to, and maybe add the name(s) of faculty members you would be looking forward to being taught by and/or conduct research with. Keep in mind not to just flatter the university with all your might, for that is very counterproductive and in some cases might severely backfire.
What is the need for SOP?
A SOP is a long-term essay required by international colleges and, increasingly, by some Indian universities. This essay is about who you are, who you want to be, and what you’re willing to do in school. As a result, a statement of purpose that sets you apart from the throng may go a long way toward gaining acceptance.
- What is the best way to write a strong statement of purpose?
1. Make a list of your reasons and interests.
2. Write a summary of your degree and previous work experience.
3. Discuss the significance of your current and recent work.
4. Develop your scholarly interests. - Is a Title Required for a Statement of Purpose?
Don’t tailor your statement to what colleges think they want to hear. Sincerity is essential and appreciated. Do not use quotation marks or a title for your message. - What is the ideal length for a statement of purpose?
A statement of purpose should be between 500 and 1,000 words long. It should usually be no more than one page long.
In the past, writing a SOP was a simple effort. The selection procedure at top colleges throughout the world has gotten much more severe as a result of the fast increase in the number of candidates each year. As a result, developing and writing an engaging, thorough, yet concise SOP has taken on a considerably larger role than before.
As a result, developing and writing a compelling, comprehensive, yet brief SOP has taken on a much larger role than it did previously, making it one of the most crucial variables in deciding your chances of acceptance.
I hope you found this blog useful. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours!
If you have any other questions on creating the perfect SOP that gets you your dream admits, please leave them in the comments area below, and I’ll respond as soon as possible!
Key Notes
An ideal essay is 500-1000 words unless your course specifies otherwise. It is important to note that whatever work or skill you mention in your document, make sure you slightly nudge in what learning you were able to gain from it. This not only provides evidence to what skill you want to hone but also creates an opening to mention all behavioral traits you inculcated from the said skill. Additionally, avoid writing in passive voice and use mostly an active voice. End in a positive message of enthusiasm and hope.
- An SOP document is the most important part of the university application process. It comprises of your achievements, your relevant projects, job descriptions and education.
- An SOP not only provides an account of your core competencies, but also allows the selection committee to take a look at what kind of person you are.
- Your first paragraph must be as catchy as can be.
- The second paragraph is generally utilized to introduce and elaborate upon your academic and professional career.
- This paragraph should include why you are opting for the course you are opting for, what makes you well suited to pursue a course such as this one. It should also include what your short-term and long-term goals.
- The last paragraph glorifies the details of why you want to enroll in this particular institution or university, and no other. Elaborate about why this university aligns perfectly with your needs.