8 Life Lessons I’ve Learnt By Being An Amateur Stand-Up Comedian [Funny]

From colleges to cafes, weddings to bars, stand-up comedians are everywhere, to make you laugh inevitably. It has become a strong business. Every time I go to a bar or a café, there is an open mic. I am living in a ‘Stand Up Comedy’ Era. I am a wannabe stand-up comedian. I tried my hands on it, fumbled, laughed upon, hesitated, spoke up again, punched the joke, improvised and this is what I learnt.
Fear is Necessary.
The most interesting life lesson is that fear is required to propel our amateur attribute and transform that into a confident element. Stage Fear is obvious for any newcomer like me. The positive fearfulness will indeed take your guts to tackle the unsolvable problem. Keep your fear intact, save it and use it when required.
Equilibrium is Required.
I try to keep the balance of spitting out my script and communicating with the audience. My job is to merge both. It’s similar to our ‘Work-Life’ balance. Maintain the equilibrium and you are through.
Frustration Grows.
When they don’t laugh at my joke, it’s worst. I become anxious and the further performance comes under huge pressure. The frustration is constantly building inside me until the next joke makes a laughable impact on the audience. Isn’t it same with life? I hold my exasperation, I defeat it.
A proper recipe.
I don’t go on the stage and speak out anything. I make a script with the necessary punch lines accompanied with the right timing. A proper mixture of all the sufficient ingredients of life makes it worth living.
Improvisation matters.
The performer ought to know this. I should improvise. I didn’t know it at first. Spontaneity is undeniably the creative side of a standup comedian. If the script doesn’t work, what remains is your skill ‘without preparation’. In life, we aren’t always prepared for any unseen and unknown obstacles that hit us.
Make The Mood.
I warm up the crowd by asking them silly questions. I hear their answers, cook something and serve the spontaneous dish. It wouldn’t taste delicious but it would suffice. I try to make the room temperature breathable. It’s imperative in any part of our lives to be moody if we are embarking on a particular thing or it will go mood less and mindless.
Just for Fun
They laugh more on what they relate to their lives. If I become more intellectual, they forget to laugh. They paid for jokes, not for a training session. Similarly, when I do something in my personal and professional life, it doesn’t need to necessarily relate to anything. It is just for fun. No reason, no logic.
Standup comedy is one of the thriving eras of our time. The talented people are doing great. I, as a performer, feel contended. I am bored of my same job, but can’t leave it; I am expecting the environment around me as I wish, but it’s unachievable; I want the wicked daily soap to be banished, but I can’t do anything about it; I want to laugh out loud till the last breath of my life, is there anything I should do about it? I don’t know; I am a layman, I just don’t want to be fluctuating; I want to be steadfast about it. It all comes to this factor. Satisfaction.