Your Luck is Your Skill

There are even footprints on the moon!
Human beings are treated as the most intellectual of all the creations in nature. He has that intellect that is beyond any limit!
Human brain is so advanced that it has the power to be the creator of a separate world and a destructor of the whole world as well. The sophistication of human brain has made tremendous achievements since the dawn of manhood. The inventions and innovations went on and will go on till the end.
How could it all be possible?
The answer is very simple – because we decided it to happen!
Yes! We have this unique power of deciding what we can do and what we can’t. There’s always that little corner in our heart and brain that keeps on telling us that we can’t do it! But if we decide, and be determined about it, nothing can stop us from doing what we plan to do.
Man made achievements, he reached the moon when no one could even dream of it! How could someone do that!? Because it all started with an echo of a little idea generated in our mind and turned out to be an achievement!
There’s always that little echo in our mind, chanting some idea every time. Don’t let it be suppressed by that negative sound!
Decide! Plan! Achieve!
Your Luck Is Your Skill!
“It’s all up to luck!”
Many have said these words facing the failure or even facing the success. Is it right?! Can everything be decided by something called LUCK!
What is luck? How do we define it?
Some say it is the decisions that the super natural powers make for our life. It can be bad or it can even be good. They say it’s not in our hands! Nut I say, it might be in our hands.
If we believe in that super natural power who’s vouching us all from the heavens than we’re surely known to what’s right and what’s wrong in his eyes, in the God’s eyes. It comes under the spirituality and humanity that we categorize things as good or bad for the human behavior.
Still we get indulged in the bad, knowing that it’s not what we’re supposed to do!
If one is skillful enough to control his deeds, he’ll control his luck! Because if we keep on doing the bad, how do we expect good luck in return!? Might be a food for thought!
Our luck is decided by our skill of being a human!