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You are now friends with…
You are now friends with…”Hurray,your request has been accepted”
100th in Whats app
500th in Facebook
Congratulation to myself
A world of Android & Windows, Kitkat & Lolipop, whats app & facebook
I do have few poetic rhymes for the current generation guys & girls
Oh !! Look God, I have a new friend request
Should I ignore it considering it a conquest?
No, let’s accept it -New Friendship
A relationship with no end
No curves, No bend
Their footsteps make barren land fertile
Though they don’t crawl like reptile
Yet they go pretty smooth on a marble tile
Yes, we are buddies & new partners
Hey Power Puff Girls, make way for this new Noddy
Let us make a firm decision & be a team
Like those who support the car & say” We are Rim”
They will be the one who will make my mood light
No matter what, they will be an elite
Though they scold or fight,it will be a delight
Say we have a new day again, after every normal night
Promise me that we’ll go far as horizon’s sight
But I know Struggles/Obstacles will have it’s “Might”
I hereby confirm & declare that I am accepting this request on my own risk. LOL
Happy Friend