Work and Harmony – Side by Side [Verified]

Do your Thing!
Work and Harmony/Soup for the Soul
Everyone in this world WORKS for living and they all say that no work is big or small, when it comes to philosophy! But when things get real, you’re judged for what you work.
They’ll talk, no matter what you do. So why not do the thing you’re best at?
Even if your thing is small in the beginning, it’ll be ‘your thing’ ultimately. And that only means that you’ll enjoy doing it, no matter what! And getting proficiency in that very thing can take you to various good extremes. The world will talk when you start small but the same world will applaud when you hit big!
So why not start small and be pacified rather than starting big and get the turmoil forever?
Start your thing NOW and the world will finally know your worth. And it’s never about the world anyways! It’s about you, for you are your own little world!
The Harmony is played with both the keys!
Look at life, anyone’s life! Can you see anyone with a perfect life?
It’s never perfect. Life is rightly called a roller coaster. There are ups and downs, happiness and sorrows, hardships and leisure, smiles and tears and what not. It’s always a blend of goods and bad and we can never experience life going in the same mode all the time. There are never similar days or similar nights, we go through various weathers of life and that’s inevitable in life.
The one who wants to live life to the fullest should accept life as it is because there’s no other option left. Because striving for the conditions other than life gifts us with will only exhaust and frustrate us. Eventually, things will change but they’ll change at their won times.
So learn to live with whatever comes your way! Strive to face it instead to change it.Don’t lose hope and welcome life with open arms, no matter what it brings.
Soup for the Soul
Because, at the end, the harmony of life has every melody played together. Be it the black keys or the white keys, they all are played together to bring out the melodious life!