Transform that vibe

Transform that vibe-They’re always there!
The ones who gave birth to us, who are the sole reason of our existence, our parents are the ones who also make us what we are!
They give us the sort of upbringing that they can best give and they’re the only creatures in the whole wide world who, no matter what, will wish for our best!
They smile with us and they cry with us. No matter how old we grow, they still know deep inside what we’re afraid of and what weaknesses we have because they’ve been with us throughout our life. They know us much more than we know our self! But the age and the experience we gain, makes us under rate them and we start challenging their beliefs and their notions. We let them down, we don’t trust their deeds because to us, they’re not good enough! That’s what human turns into when he grown up. As a child the little angle grows up to be the practical devil. No one gave us the right to mis-treat the ones who brought us to this world. No-one gave us the right to question their feelings. Because their little decision would’ve killed you before you could even bloom.
Because their little decision of bringing you to the world needed lots and lots of guts. They fed you, they did everything to make you smile, be thankful.
You can’t pay them back what they’ve sacrificed for you!
Learn to value them, they’re your prized possessions.
Transform that vibe!
We work and we achieve, we achieve success and we feel happy.
But there are very few who’re happy with us. And there are most who’ll be jealous, who’ll frown at your success, who’ll take every chance to let you down.
That is where the negative vibes hit you. The haters or the ones who are jealous of you will never be happy with you, no matter how good you become or how much you achieve in your life.
They’ll send the negativity to you in huge amounts. But all you gotta do is take that negative vibe and turn that into a positive one. And that’s only possible if you don’t let the negativity destroy you.Keep smiling! Smiling is the key. Smiles are always there to send the positive signals all around you!
When you smile, the people around you and even your mind feel relaxed and it sends the required positivity, neutralizing the negativity. Only then, you’ll be able to beat the negative vibe and prevent it from entering you and destroying your inner peace.
So the negativity around you will only end with the positivity and you’re the only one to spread it.
So smile from ear to ear and tell the haters that they can’t even touch you even if you try harder.
The heat of life can only be beaten with the shade of love!
Life is full of hardships, nothing but love is what keeps our spirits alive.
No matter from where you come, no matter how hard your day was, no matter what you’ve faced, just an affectionate embrace by your loved one or even a word of love can do to make your heart feel at peace.
Because love is the only diet that is needed to keep our soul alive. And the happiness and contentment of the soul is only needed for the brighter life no matter how tired we feel physically.
To be happy in life, the soul should be happy, the heart should be happy and the mind should be at peace.
Life, as we can see is an uphill struggle. We only get to face harder and harder days as we grow older. It’s not that good times are not there, but we can see hardships never completely leave our way.
soup for the soul
So, in this hard life, which is much more scorching than the heat of brightest sun, the only savior is the shades of love. Seek it and you’ll be so damn happy and content!