To be heard, leave the herd! [Updated]

To be heard, leave the herd!
To be heard, leave the herd!-The creations of each sort are meant and destined to stick together because their endurance relies on being dependent on each other.
That is justified too because the nature too shows how the beings of the similar kinds stay and live together.
We humans too live together in a society where we interact and work and do everything with our kinds. But can we imagine things if each one of us start adopting a similar pattern of things, if we start doing similar things. Life would become so humdrum that way.
Each human being has been injected with some uniqueness and that’s what makes us different from the others. We have that one rarest thing that makes us stand out from the herd. But that will be totally wasted if we keep on following the herd. We’ll never be able to show the world what we posses, our voice would be mistreated as the echo of the voices surrounding us.
To be heard we need to quit the herd and stand and sooner or later we’d be recognized as an individual with our inimitable qualities and not as a part of the herd.
Sometimes,if becomes difficult to be going alone leaving the herd but eventually there comes a better result of an uniquely crafted work.
So, stand out and sing your own song, you’ll surely be heard.