There is no free Lunch

There Are no Free Lunches!
There is no free Lunch-To get everything done, we need to work and even if we want others to work for us, then too we got to work and that too harder. And the work can be defined in many ways, it can be a job of any sort, a labor work, a household work, and what not. And to survive we need to do them.
“There are no such things as Free lunches” the phrase says a lot.
To endure in this pacing life, an idle person can never survive and we can start from the very bottom. Even the greatest entrepreneurs started from the very bottom and they succeeded and achieved manifolds. This was only possible because they worked! They worked day in and day out, like a Trojan, their uphill struggle brought them to where they are now and that wouldn’t have been possible if they chose to stay idle.
If they had taken the easy way out, of staying inside their comfort zone, their existence would’ve vanished till time!
So pull up your socks from today! Start working! There ain’t no free lunches my friend!