The Boundaries of Humanity

The boundaries of humanity/Soup for the Soul
Man created boundaries. Man lived in boundaries. Man is the one who created the differences and he’s the one who’d suffering too but he has no idea that his own moves are slowly ending him! We created the differences of religion our self. We created the difference of regions our self. And then we curse others for forgetting humanity!
How can one expect HUMANITY to survive in this world full of differences?
Humanity has been murdered by these man-made differences. Only to preach their own religion that they follow and only to prove their own regions powerful where they live in, people declare wars. They end the peace of the world just to prove their belief right!
They want the world to know that they’re following the right thing but they never know, either everyone is wrong or everyone is right because these wars are never-ending.
In the name of color caste religion and region, men kill each other. Is that where you still want HUMANITY to breathe?
soup for the soul
Humanity can’t survive in such extreme conditions. It’ll eventually fade away. Rare would be the humans in the coming times who would think about the others.
But we should never forget that we’re born with this basic trait. We’re the humans and humanity arises from within us. If we want, we can let it boom within all of us, and never let it die. If we want, the world can overcome the differences and become better !