The World is turning Fancy

The World is turning Fancy-Disguise the insides!
We all have our idols and we keep following them. The way they look, the styles they adopt and even the way they talk, we follow everything and adopt them in our life styles.
But our idols are great men who’ve achieved great things in life. Even if they’re the actors that play in movies, they have a message to be delivered.
But why do we fancy only their outsides? We should go deeper, think deeper and look for what actually they want to tell us. By adopting the good things that they tell us, that they want to deliver, is actually how we should follow them.
Disguising ourselves as the great men just from the mere outsides won’t help, let’s try and disguise the insides as them too.
They have a lot to teach and we have a lot to learn. Let’s pay heed to the things which are important!
soupforthesoul india
The simpler, the better!
The world is turning Fancy!
It’s all getting glittery and shiny, the glam and the glow doesn’t fail to draw eyeballs. And we’re all sailing the same boat. We all want best products, best brands, best everything to adorn our life. The more we spend on material seems the very first sign of a lavish lifestyle.
But! Does it make us any happier? We are doing so to impress the ones surrounding us. To let them judge who’s better and to let them know what we have and how we spend it.
This doesn’t invite happiness. It just makes us more anxious every time because each time we go out to face those people we need newer things to impress them and to draw their attention and this occupies our mind most of the time so how can we expect peace to come to us!?
Peace only comes when life is less complicated, when we don’t have a race to run and when we don’t care what others think of us.
And that sort of peace is in staying simple. The simpler we stay, the easier our life would be.
Let’s stay simple and humble and let’s not ruin it all in the name of lifestyle!