The Strongest Emotional Person

The Strongest Emotional Person/Soup for the Soul
The Strongest Emotional Person-The above quote was well said by the daughter of the cycle repairing man when she was asked ” Do you believe in magic?”
When the word “father” comes to mind, my eyes gets shine and wet, my soul feel proud and my heart feel the love I have for him. The only person work for so many hours and never complain, still give the best to his children with that smiley face.He is the strongest emotional person. Fathers get so many pain who willingly wants to work life long time for his children, for his family. We should celebrate father’s day not only once in a year but always. So Guys, Go and hug your dad tightly and tell them how much you love him.
“Some people didn’t believe in heroes, but they haven’t met my DAD”
Soup for the Soul India
Philosophical Articles