The Road-Less Travel

The Road-Less Travel
The Road-Less Travel-Picnics are the best ways to rejuvenate and re-connect with your family and friends in this busy life where time for the near and dear ones is very limited.
Picnic trips are full of wonderful memories, be it playing with your siblings or having lunch together in the open or the star gazing at nights with the camp fire. Even the journey to the picnic spot counts. The journey is indeed among the sweetest memories often accompanied with some small glitch in the engine 😛 (I don’t wish it happens with you but if does enjoy it, it’s a whole new experience). The family van which accommodates all your relatives and the fun you have on the way. Cherish those picnic memories, cherish every moment with your family
Two roads diverged in the wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.’ ~ Robert Frost
Often your life will halt at a cross-road where you will need to make a decision of which road to continue on. And that decision will change the course of your journey. And this kind of juncture will occur not once or twice but many more times. Every time you will need to make a tough choice. Sometimes you may get advice from your close ones but in the end its your decision because you will have to live with it for the rest of your life. So choose wisely, live well.
Try Sometimes’A road-less Picnic’