The rest that is earned/Soup for the Soul

The rest that is earned/Soup for the Soul
The rest that is earned/Soup for the Soul!-We, the humans have a very predictable disposition. You won’t ever see a person, trying to take the toughest way out to do something. We all go for the easiest and coziest way to do almost everything. No one wants to do the hard work when it’s not needed! And this is justified as well, why take a hard-hitting when you can do things with comfort.
But is it always justified to keep oneself at rest? Is the comfort zone a better place to be? In many cases, it’s not!
The things that we strive for in life, can only be achieved if we take the arduous road, else it’s never going to be in our hands, it’ll simply slip away. Too much sticking to your comfort zone is dodgy for your own life as this will never get you success because success has this in its very nature, it comes to only those who struggle!
So, a rest is only good when it’s earned. Else, it’s just doing your own bad and spoiling your own self!
Soup for the Soul
The Weak Point Dealer