The Making of Memories

Being humble is rarest thing these days. The mere knowledge of someone running the same race as us, gives is the notion that the person is our competitor. From that day on, we start thinking of all the possible ways by which we can let them down. That’s cunningness and not humbleness.
The Making of Memories/Soup for the Soul-We just pack our mind with the idea that we need to be better and better and that makes us be with knitted brows all the time. we never smile, we never thank the almighty for giving us enough but we only keep an eye on what others are doing and that our work should be better than them, rather it should be the best.
Even if someone is competing with you, as a human you should learn to stay humble. Because there’s nothing above humanity, if you let it die in you, you become hollow.
Making memories is what we’re doing since the day we start to memorize things.
soup for the soul
We live and keep on moving on in life, leaving behind the past, the past which is packed with abundant memories.
While making such memories, we have people who were there to make that happen and with them, we share those moments in which we made those pleasurable memories.
People who were there with us, were there for a reason and they had to be the part of that very memory, no matter right now we talk to them or not.If we look back to memories, we live the past for a while and in the past if things were alright between you and those persons, then surely you should take that moment away from the present and value their presence. They were a part of those beautiful moments, they were smiling with us, they were enjoying with us, they might be the only reason who made you smile, and because of that, you still smile. So never seize their credibility in your good times, no matter how things have turned now!
Your achievements would crash to zero if you’re not a good person and you don’t have humanity in you.
Be humble, even to those who’re running with you and who even overtake you!