The Humble Faith Story

The Humble Faith Story/Soup for the Soul
Make others happy but don’t lose that smile!We are human beings, with feelings overloaded in us.We feel! We just feel a lot every day. The feeling can be any but we never fail to feel as long as we’re alive. We laugh, we smile, we cry, we scowl, and what not. But the most common feeling around everywhere is the feeling of affection and love.
Be it anything, if it pleases us, we just love to stay with it for as long as we can. We love it and we show little gestures of affection towards it.
Same is with people around us. We come across many of them in our life and we do whatever it takes, to keep the ones happy with whom we’re closely related and sometimes, we make those smile too whom we barely know.
It’s just the matter of feelings. We’ll do what we feel.
But are we striving too hard to bring a smile on their faces?
Our efforts are golden if we’re drawing forth happy curves on someone’s lips but they must not take more than what it’s required.
Be humble enough!
God has created us and he’s the one with the strongest powers. He has created the whole universe, and he’s taking care of the same too.They say we’re all the puppets of his hands and he paves paths in our life. But his decisions for us are influenced with what we do. Our deeds make our destiny.He’s continuously shaping our fate and our destiny and he’s doing that all on the basis of what we do. If we try being good, he’ll shape us good, if we do bad, he’ll shape us bad.And the important thing is faith! Doing good is different thing and having faith in him is different.Letting him do what he feels right for us is what we should do. We should have faith because we’re the ones responsible for what he does. He knows what’s right for us and thus he has the command in his hands.
All we gotta do is be humble enough to let him play. He’s doing the right, even if we’re not. Let the command be in his hands, it’s in him that you can have blind faith!
We must not start trying too hard to make others happy that one day we lose all our happiness and charm of life. It’s good to live for other’s happiness but that would slowly fade away if we’re not happy our self.
So try making others smile, it’s the best thing one can do but before that, curve your lips and smile inside out yourself!