The fire of hard work

The Fire Of Hard Work!
The Fire Of Hard Work!Yeah! That’s a true fact! If you work hard, like a Trojan, only then you can play hard in this game of life. A person who earns the gratifications of life only can enjoy them.
A luxury is nothing if it isn’t earned! And to earn it, we got to work hard, harder and the hardest! It takes hard slog to reach the heights of life because our life itself is a marathon, people are running at their best and if we quit pushing ourselves, we will lag behind. To be at the top, you got to bring those down who are already there and for that, the whole phenomenon of our life has to pass through the fire of hard work.
A raw personality needs to be heated and burned in the fire of struggle, hard work and determination, only then it gets ripened. With the struggle comes experience and that is what makes us the better someone and ultimately, we become the greatest. That is where the happiness and contentment can be found, in the success that has been earned!
Be worthy of what you possess, else you’ll never get to value it.
GEAR UP! It’s a lot of fire in this path of struggle, but that will only make you full-grown!