The Deliberate Dilemma

The Deliberate Dilemma/Soup for the Soul
Many a times, almost every time when we’re stuck in a dilemma, we take too long to choose the right thing and even if we choose something from our options, we doubt if it’s right for us or not.
And out of many such decisions, we regret some choices that we ever made.
Dilemma is such a situation where sometimes the mind fails to work because each option that we have for choice has its own goodness to be accepted and its own drawbacks to be rejected. We analyze too much and end up coming to no conclusion.
That is when there comes a little voice which is suppressed most of the times by the other loud ones!
That voice comes from the heart. And that is the voice we really need to listen in such situations. Because our heart tells us what’s the option that we really want to go with.
It might be a tough choice because the option our heart tells to choose might not seem that pleasing but that’s surely what we need and what we want.
A heart knows us better than our mind because not every time the practicality works.
Go with the heart! It’ll never be wrong! Because eventually you’ll be smiling at the choice you had made.
Everyone’s life is looked at for the achievements he has made throughout his life.
We might have a lot of goals and aspirations in our mind but they won’t get accomplished if we don’t get up and work on them. And for their accomplishment, we need a lot figured out.
Your goal can only be achieved if you focus on it with your whole heart. A little distraction can crash everything whatever you achieve.
And to avoid distractions, a proper path should be paved that will lead you to the goal. The path will be paved when you start walking on it but before that you should have a clearer picture of the path beforehand.
The path is needed because you can’t afford to wander in your journey of achieving the goal. You have to pave it and walk on it and nothing else. If you don’t know where you have to go or what road you have to choose, you’ll be taking different roads worthlessly and that will push your goal much far away than you.
So to walk the journey of achievement, you got to pave your own path, and stick to it!
Many people, in the whole world are such with great stories of struggle in their life. They’ve reached certain heights, starting from nowhere.
Like a person living in a village in India, strives hard to study outside his village and besides much pressure of the family, he manages to get a decent job in the city. That’ll be his greatest achievement because starting of nowhere, he reached somewhere.
But then, what would he expect from his children? Would he just want them to have same sort of education and have similar job like him? Would that be a good desire?
Nope! It won’t be a good one because that’d never let the development happen.
If we struggle hard to come out of weaker circumstances and achieve something better, we should always set much higher goals for our children. Asking them to follow the same path would hinder the growth that they ought to have.
You grew somewhere then why stop the process? Expect your children to grow further so that this constructive process goes on and on and on.
Don’t get stuck in a humdrum streak of achievements. Invest in better ones!