Soup for the Soul – The Stories We Tell

Soup for the Soul
Like a father, he’s(GOD) always responsible. He takes care of what we, his kids need and what we lack and what circumstances we go through, he takes account of everything and treats us accordingly.
At times, things go right out of hand, it seems the end of the world, thing don’t go right no matter how hard we try. But then, there speaks an inner voice, telling us that everything is goig to be alright! And it speaks the truth.
Eventually, everything becomes alright!
We all have that inner voice that keeps on telling us that it’s going to be alright soon. That inner voice is a sign that we’re being consoled in the time of misery.
We’re being vouched by the father who’ll make everything right for us. Just have faith!
Set the soul free!
A traffic jam is occurred because there’s a lot of traffic, everyone is in a hurry but the space to carry the traffic couldn’t be maximized. They all want to go before each other and eventually have to be patient and wait for the traffic to get clearer. Chaos is created but the only option out is to wait and stay calm because being tensed will do no good but only harm to self.
Same is what we do with our soul. We take a lot on it when it’s meant to take just a certain amount of things at a time but we, we tie it and bind it in many knots, entangling it with the strings of hues of our emotions.
What would this do this?
Our soul will eventually come to a halt. It’ll take it’s time to take it all together and that’ll delay our peace by much time.
Who told us to bind our self when there’s an option to be free? Why would we invite the chaos?
Let’s enjoy each voice of heart echoing equally in our soul. Let’s set the soul free because that’s the only road to peace. Let’s not get entangled!
Many bones, many muscles, many feelings! Just one body, one heart and one soul!
We’re indeed complex beings but there’s one thing that keeps us relaxed and is a very beautiful natural gesture of happiness, LAUGH!
When we laugh, our brain receives a signal that something positive is happening and it relaxes itself, sending good vibes down the whole body.
We nowadays need to laugh unnaturally for the same reason because we need to be healthy!
How could we be healthy if there aren’t real reasons for us to have a real laugh?
Let’s not do injustice with ourselves and try finding the real happiness like we used to have in childhood. We should never exert our self so much that we start losing the little happiness inside.
Laugh out loud and let it come out naturally! Fake things don’t do good for a long time!
Laugh and make others laugh too! It’s all that the world needs!