The Bad Can Be Eliminated!

The Bad Can Be Eliminated!
The Bad Can Be Eliminated!“Man is a social animal”, says a famous quote!
We live in a society, facing an assortment of environments and in those environments; we come across quite a lot of people. Our house, our neighborhood, our workplaces, schools, colleges and all the places that we visit, are packed with people having assorted natures.
We know some of them, some are close while some are much closer to us and rest are strangers. They all come with their qualities. Every person had something best about him and the same person has a very bad, or we can say worse thing seeding inside of him. The bad things in us generate with time, with age, as we go across different stages in our life.
But the irony is, we all know out good qualities most of the time and are totally unaware about our bad ones. We just live with a misconception that everything about us is just the thing!
The only ones who are aware about our negative side are the ones who are much closer to us and that ropes in our friends, family and partner. And only they can do us the good favor of correcting us.
No one is perfect but we can be close to flawless if we stand corrected. And by flaws here I mean the bad things which are never needed to reside inside us and which only makes us second-rated!
We only pay heed to the words of our loved ones and if only they take up the responsibility of correcting our flaws, we’ll surely move ahead in the path of improvement.
The world has 7 billion people, and those 7 billion have few of the close ones. If all those close ones start correcting the bad of their loved ones, the bad can be eliminated!
The world will be much better with people who are less flawed!