Talk to Yourself

Talk to Yourself!Society! Social circle! Friends! Relatives! Family! Partner!
They all are there for our own good, as long as their intentions are constructive for us. But being bordered with all of them, we sometimes ignore the person who is the most important one, OUR-SELF!
Soup for the Soul
There is no doubt in the fact that we stay with ourselves since birth till death. But do we really be with our-self? Isn’t it that most of the time we spend the whole time just thinking about others, the outwardly things and places that have bounded us. We do talk to our-self but then, the talk is not about our-self!
The voices inside of us are mostly talking about others and not us. And if they try to talk about our-self, we always try and suppress them!
But, by doing that we’re just impairing our heart, mind and soul. Because no matter what happens, no matter how lonely we become, we will be our companion, in any weather! People may come, people may go, we shouldn’t lose the contact with our own soul.
Because when in the end, when you’ll really want to talk to self, you’ll realize how ignored it had been. And the one who had ignored it the most will be YOU!
So, take the time out and talk to yourself positively. Even if no- one does, you should respect and love yourself because that’s what you deserve, to be loved.