Stuck in a pothole

Stuck in a pothole/ Soup for the Soul
Stuck in a pothole!-Ever experienced being stuck in a pothole or an elevator? Its not a very entertaining experience at least not always 😉 On a serious note, every situation which leaves us marooned is a dreadful experience. And such circumstances make us realize that these events are incalculable and no one can anticipate when and how they will ensue. All we can be certain of is that such mishaps will arise from time to time. So why not be prepared for it? We can be, in fact we are prepared. Once we have the knowledge of any incident our brain stores the details and makes an escape plan in case such mishap happens again. Then what goes wrong, when we already have the knowledge to deal with such situations? Panic ! yes, the functionality of the brain is hampered when we panic and our tiny little brain is not able to think straight. So next time keep calm and get out of there !