Reflections of Life

Reflections of Life
Reflections of Life-At times it is important to retrospect our lives and actions that we undertake in our day to day activities. That is to say it is essential to reflect upon our actions and understand how they are altering the course of our life.
The beauty of reflections is that they show you nothing new but are still able to astonish you by showing you what is true.
It is truly said, ‘Life is a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see and be’.
In order to see what is true we need to reflect on ourselves, before pointing a finger at others see if you are doing the right thing. As when you point a finger at others the other fingers point towards you.
Buddha says, Since everything is a reflection of our minds.. Everything can be changed by our minds.
Let us take an objective illustration
The beauty of the world lies in the image, the beauty lies not only in the object but also in the eye of the beholder.
Man made marvels all over the world have astonished the people. Be it the Stonehenge or the Leaning Tower of Pisa or the Colosseum of Rome. Astonishing man made marvels have always made me wonder about the artistry we humans have the potential of. And among all these wonders of the world, the most beautiful is the Taj Mahal in India. A symbol of royalty , a symbol of trust, a symbol of Love. It captures all the aspects of true love which blossoms in the sanctity of two lovers. The Taj Mahal is the Taj of India.
“The Taj Mahal rises above the banks of the river like a solitary tear suspended on the cheek of time.”
― Ravindranath Tagore