Rat-Race amongst a Hundred Million [Updated]
Wish I had the chance
To start over again
No matter what I do
I will be not satisfied
I’m tired of this race
Tired of this monotonous existence
I’m tired of trying to run ahead
Tired of the race
I had to race
A hundred million
To get to my mother’s womb
Oh Boy, was I tired!
But… “This is the beginning”
God said, and mocked.
Very soon I had to struggle
Along with my mother
And finally I was out in the world
Aspirations around me
Hopes around me
I felt the pressure
On my fingertips,
I felt it everyday.
The hopes heaped on me
The aspirations
Of generations gone by.
What do I want?
Who am I?
What do I want?
Does anybody care,
About how I feel?
Oh, the rat race is on!
It is always on.
I’m tired of running
Can I go to sleep now?
An interview I faced
To get to pre-school
Only to increase one
Notch higher every time
Pre-school passed.
My nose into books,
Parents called me ideal
Friends called me weird.
Oh Boy, Was I tired.
Oh Boy, Was I tired.
Went to school,
Middle school.
And then high school.
Remained a weird nerd.
The race was still on.
Got through engineering
A stamp on my existence
Then got a job
So many stamps on me.
So many “achievements”…
That is what everyone said.
But was it?
Everyone wants the best job
Everyone wants to be the favorite
Of his boss.
People said I was.
Was I among the first,
In this rat race?
Enemies I did not make,
Enemies became mine.
Achievements! Achievements!
Achievements everywhere…
Friends I call a few.
Friends who cannot
Come on your birthday,
Or your anniversary.
I liked to paint.
But I was a boy.
My father said,
I was to play with tools.
Worked my heart off,
Got a promotion.
Lost few friends,
Gained few enemies.
Company lost some,
So had to cut down employees.
I was let go,
For no reason.
Worked my heart off,
For the boss,
But he tossed my heart,
Without a care.
Does anyone care?
About me?
I just want to
Sleep… sleep… sleep.
I know now when
This race will end.
Tomorrow will be another dawn,
Another day,
Another race,
Another day to run.
Will I achieve something?
I know not… Run boy, Run!