Prepare the better world

Prepare The Better World!
Prepare The Better World!-We all are acquainted with our flaws, whether we let them show or not. Being aware with what we lack and what bad we posses, we always try to get rid of the negativity. But sometimes it’s not possible.
The world is full of negativity because we let it flow rampant throughout!
Can it be ended? Well, it can’t be ended completely but we can try to lessen it! And that is possible by improving us and then, by improving the generation that relies on us for their future.
Yes! We are the creators of the future and it’s in our hands whether we let the future be good or bad and it is because it’s ‘us’ who are responsible to coach our offspring.
Id the generation today wraps up to end the negativity on their part by injecting the good in the generation that they’ll create than the future might be a better one. And nothing is impossible if we resolve to do it, no matter what.
We have seen the bad things, the bad phases, the bad side of the world and it’s up to us whether we end this or not.
Let’s all work out on this and make the present good, the future better so that the far future becomes best!