Precaution,Prevention & Protection

Precaution,Prevention & Protection/Soup for the Soul
Hydrophobia is one of the most common fears among human beings. The fear of deep waters can at times be very troubling. They say that the knowledge of how to swim is a must-know technique and one will surely face an instance where it would be one’s life saver.
Soup for the Soul India
Soup for the Soul Gujarat
Considering swimming as a sport, it has a very wide audience across the world. Olympic swimming events are a major attraction and everyone looks for forward for a spectacular, record breaking swimming champs during the season. Perhaps the next Olympic will bring to light more record breakers. Till then, keep swimming.
Often we pray to the almighty to protect us from all the dangers we may come across. And does he protect us from all of those? Maybe He helps those who help themselves. Parents are there to insulate us from any hazards but sooner we will have to wield our own swords to battle. The crux being we should start acting independently and fight for ourselves even if no one else is fighting for us; for most of the times we will be fighting against many things and no one else to defend. For this reason we need to be strong and protect ourselves. ‘Surround yourself with love. Protect your heart with peace.’
Our fast paced lives have left very little space left for ourselves and our near and dear ones. Often the dreams are so big and our goals become so important that we neglect the precious gems that are an important part of our lives. Many a times the haste of reaching the goal clouds our vision about the current events. We start missing out things that are happening right now! If you are having a similar feeling it is time to take a pause. Take a deep breath and introspect your actions. Take some time of your schedule and relax.
Take Time. Don’t live too fast. Troubles will come. But they will pass.