Power to Earn- Learn to Earn [updated]

We’re free, we move around in the world, coming across many things, many places, many people and what not.
And life is another name of learning. We do learn from such things, places and people every day. the one who doesn’t learn would never grow and that’s the fact of life.
But are we doing it right? Are we learning just for our good?
Well! The answer is NO!
We learn anything and everything about things that come in our way. We never pay a heed to what to learn and what to ignore. And the answer s simple!
We should only learn the GOOD and ignore the BAD. That’s the only way of good learning. If we start acquiring the goodness from around us and start avoiding the bads, isn’t it that one day we’ll be the best?
So, why no accumulate the good! We’ll be a living package of GOODNESS!
Temporary Happiness!
What would you not do to stay happy? Does happiness actually stay?
Perhaps not!
We be happy and we also be sad but nothing stays forever. With time, the weathers of life keep on changing. Some days are happy while some are sad.
But looking at the small things in life, like watching a little kid laugh his heart out, watching the sun rise and set, watching the sea waves coming and going at the sea shore, watching birds flying free in the skies and what not!
These small things mean a lot sometimes if we look at them closely. There’s a hidden happiness that is temporary but it is in its purest form. We taste utter happiness in these little things even though it doesn’t last longer but who has got time for this?
We’re too busy in grabbing the reasons for our bigger joys, which aren’t even joyful in real. We work to have a better life which doesn’t mean happiness but luxury.
Happiness lies in little things if we look closely to life because big reasons for big happiness rarely come.
And to be happy, one should start gathering the little temporary happiness from those little things that bring our real smile. It’s like a glass bangle, a girl would buy it with utmost desire and will wear it with pride but it’s meant to be temporary, so it’ll be broken.
But for those blissful moments when she wore them, the girl was actually happy!