Under The Eclipse Of Religion!

Under The Eclipse Of Religion!
Under The Eclipse Of Religion!-“There’s only one God and he watches over everyone squarely!” They say!
“There are 330 million gods that need to be served and worshipped differently.” The Hindu mythology says.
So! What are we supposed to do? We, the Hindus, are stuck dreadfully in this wicked dilemma of hypothesis. On one hand we’re told that our KARMA should be pure enough, we should never hurt the beings around us because they too are the creation of that one super natural power that resides in the far heavens, while on the other hand we’re sacrificing the life of innocent animals in the name of offerings to the lords that we worship.
We believe that our Lords will be delighted if we sacrifice blood and life of such animals and that we’ll be showered with hordes of blessings. Can we call it a vigorous mythology? Well, it doesn’t seem like one!
Having ones beliefs and having a herd mentality are poles apart. Today, praying only means following some religion blindly. We never go into the logic of what is right and what is wrong, we just keep following what has been told to us since ages.
But, we can’t just bear it out straight forwardly that whatever is being preached since ages, has to be right. It can be wrong, it can be wrong in many ways, and no one told us to do the wrong under the eclipse of a RELIGION. No religion tells us to be sinful and if our insides tell us that something is sinful, than you can rest assured that the religion never taught us the same, it just preached something which has been manipulated appallingly by human beings and now it gave the religion, an ugly face.
So, one should follow religion, not the transgressions created under its name!