Oops, I am single AND available

Oops, I am single AND available/Soup for the Soul
Soup for the Soul India
“Being Single is an opportunity to live life on your own terms & No Conditions Apply.”
Oops, I am single AND available. Those who are in relationships ask to your friend who is single and how he enjoys his freedom. It’s not that relationship is bad. But being in a fake relationship is like pretending to live in hell as if you are in heaven. Being single I enjoy the smell of freedom and you know what? I don’t need to care about my partner. Some people choose to be single for lifetime. Some people don’t find perfect partner, and some of us just like to be single. Whatever the reason I would say, being single means get enough time to know yourself.
Obviously, it’s not about opposing the nature’s magic of Falling in Love, But it’s about Being an individual i.e. Try to figure out who we are actually.