One Day The Mirrors Will Become Black [Updated]

One day, writing lines or an essay won’t matter to express anything
Looks won’t make a difference & money will buy almost everything
Human emotions will become a case-study
Fresh air will be the new weed & hard to study
Sleeping pills will be a night ritual
Morning Sun will be more hot and dual
Machines will understand humans
Humans, in return, would kneel to machines
One day, only lust will exist and love will extinct
Crying loud would be the new smiling
Laughter would surpass the worth of diamond
Bitcoin will replace currency notes
Notebooks will become antique and placed in a museum
A tick of clock will become a tick of Bomb
Love letters will be a ‘What?’
Trees will no longer survive in the hot
One day, 24 hours will be way too much
A year will be lived as a decade
One Day The Mirrors Will Become Black
No more new inventions would take place
Survival will be the first goal to place
The purpose of the living will change
The definition of life will change
The geometry of Earth will change
That one day, it will be too late to rewind anything
That one day, they would again pray for a Big Bang and everything
That one day, there would be no God to believe in our land
That one day, even the Gods would ignore humans and let it all END
-Inspired by BLACK MIRROR.
Black Mirror is a British science fiction anthology television series created by Charlie Brooker, with Brooker and Annabel Jones serving as the programme showrunners. It examines modern society, particularly with regard to the unanticipated consequences of new technologies.