New Era Gandhi

New Era Gandhi/Soup for the Soul
Mahatma Gandhi! A name written in golden letters in Indian history.
The noble man, was known for his fight and struggle for freeing India from British rule. He was the man of ethics, the ethics that taught us a lot. His two main ethics – Satya (Truth) and Ahinsa (Non- Violence)!
If Gandhi was present today, he would’ve been too much disappointed on how the world is going, totally against his direction! The modern world is totally against TRUTH because they all know how to lie so well that the truth seems useless.
The lies people say to each other, brings harmony! They say!
The lies people say to save themselves brings them peace! They say!
But they’re so good at it nowadays that they’ve started lying to themselves. What does that bring? Self destruction!
They’re so habitual of violence that it’s the new cool trend. Nothing, no matters are solved without violence. Be it in houses, in countries or in the whole world! They just use violence straightaway!
The two ethics of Gandhi are evidently underrated and overlooked these days.
The man who had a message of peace would’ve been silent in this modern era because there is too much noise for him to be heard!
Soupforthesoul India