My Last Seen is just to see your Last Seen

My Last Seen is just to see your Last Seen
My Last Seen is just to see your Last Seen” has gone viral enough to sustain many relationship on the verge of extinct. People used to ask once update every thing on Facebook once starting from ” What’s in your mind ?” to Feeling “Happy, Excited, Bliss & Sad”.
Now time has changed & people are very much interested to see someone’s status, Display Picture because they feel insecure & uncomfortable about the status they are in so they always wants to see the same in others.
,,,Because Insomnia is not a disease now when 75 % of people sleeps at 1 AM daily & waking up late has been a hobby & habit.
A screaming Yawn in the early dawn, A big smile to mother doing Pooja & A big bye to the sister going for College has been the past when they type “Good Morning all” in the whats app group.
Let’s not forget the charm of something that we have in Real & getting lost in Virtuality