That thinking and living for more than shelter, food and pleasure

As everyone has a goal, they spent their most of their early childhood working on it. Whole intention of life is being totally dependent on it. Every act that is performed individually is to cherish, grow and stay on those convictions. Stereotypical expectancy is normal. As the concept of being human comes. There is evolved thinking that is keeping us different than other animals. Most of the time we are called as “humans” than just an animal. Superiority in the mental development is what separates us from animals.
That thinking and living for more than shelter, food and pleasure. Some might not think and if they do; they show up in their acts. The human spirit that is binding all of us is goal to reach. Religions came up to bind in a social way. But it is just temporary as other aspects. That costumed way of living. To control the system going astray. But to realize the truth of the existence is the very goal of everything. The given opportunities and the current way of living must be accepted unless being helpless. Life is short or long. It is all relative term.
Thinking in a broad perspective; discipline does bring joy in a numerous way. Not just for the individual but for the environment. As in the reality check, all we ever wanted is right here and there is nowhere to go. Daily activities can bring up many ideas in to mind and the most of all, Interaction with other mates. Would give more to learn and correct self. Love and truth is the main which can be relied on. They won’t diminish, unless the real meaning of them is understood. That can be heard from inner voice.
This just comes within self. It cannot be labeled as good and bad. These dualities; exists because of man creation of material world. Out of it everything is just the same. Day by day on many activities and learning more about the things. And just not being a person who is expecting perfection. Again the dual aspect is that perfection can be reached from imperfection. Diving deep into any subject, learning about it much, makes to grow in the way that always being thought of.
There is a saying that if we are looking for something then the whole universe would make us to go for it. That is very true. The self can be realized not only from the paths and directories given. Those were created by men himself. That particular man who found it in such way spreaded his ideas to fellow people. So that his gains will be benefited and much more expanded by sharing them.
There is no such rule that, that particular path must be taken. If you are into the real thing and want that genuine realization, need to take up the initial way that such souls took. Because we got different environment and impression on us. Following the intuition and your instincts is very much than anything to reach there. Giving an example that if you are admiring some person and desires to be the same one day. Thinking about them and adoring them is not enough.
Got to live life your own way based upon your instincts. Such people usually never searched for any other person. They kept their self identification in their own unique way. Diverse people around us are having many talents from which they can give their own contribution to the word in some or the other way. Barriers will shaken mind, emotions arouse. Soul is unshaken by them.
All such feeling will be converted to give food for the soul which is it hunger for and the feces is let out as dopamine. The error is created mostly of not being true to oneself, listening to the outer world than the inner world. Just because it is admired and accepted by the majority and seeing that people are getting benefitted from them, and accepting it blindly. Core of the heart shouts that no I cannot take this. But forcing ourselves may not be damage but they indeed shut the voices, intuition if not used for long.
To awaken it again may take some time. Making it to understand that you can speak up anything and I will consider it. Then soul will awaken and moves towards light