Life doesn’t have a manual

Life doesn’t have a manual/Soup for the New Soul
Life doesn’t have a manual!-After a certain age, people around us stop telling us what to do and start asking us what we’re doing because we become matured enough to do things our way. There’s a limit up to which the mind can abide the spoon feeding that we get since the day we’re born.
And the time when we take the step up from getting fed to taking our own decisions under the name of maturity seems very difficult. But no matter what, we got to take that step because a person who can’t be matured enough, isn’t categorized as a responsible one.
After a specific phase, we make every decision of our life for our part. The decision can be right or wrong for us, it can be harmful or can be productive for us, it can make us gain and at the same time can make others lose but we got to make that very decision. No one is perfect at making decisions, as we never know what the future holds for us but we got to take the risk. It can turn out to be the worst thing or the best thing for us. But we’ll never know if we don’t try.
Life will give us many options from where we’ll have to choose just one! And that one can turn out to be anything for us but then again, these chances keep on coming, we keep on choosing and we keep on learning. That’s what life is and that’s what we are meant to do!
Soup for the Soul
Remember! Life never comes with instructions!