Life and Life-Partner

Life And Life Partner!
Life And Life Partner!-“I don’t need anyone to spend my life with. I’m better alone!” the girl said, with a self-esteem that was visible on her face but her eyes were still quizzical. Maybe she wasn’t sure of her words or maybe she had a doubt.
Why is the whole world looking for a perfect life partner? Is everyone walking the wrong road? There’s got to be some reason why we seek for our perfect half?
And the reason is, a life partner is the basest need of life. And the irony is, we find our life partner after the half of our life passes, after becoming adults. Why do we do that!?
Maybe it’s the maturity that we attain, that tells us that there is a need of someone, who can be our confidant, our companion in everything we do next, our support whenever we need them, the emotions say it all. Apart from friends and family, we all long for the companionship of that person who stands by us when the whole world is too busy, who’ll live with us, accepting all our flaws.
That someone is what we call a life partner! Who’s there to make life better, who’s there for the good.
Maybe it’s something divine, maybe it’s social, or maybe just a need of our morale but that’s the need and it’s a good need!