Keep in Mind-Don’t Forget

Keep in Mind-Don’t Forget-Careful/Soup for the Soul Don’t get ran over!A flood of negativity rushes our minds when we’re in our lowest!
We just lose it to the demon inside of us. We let it take over and control us. The result? Destruction!
Life is a rollercoaster. Ups and downs are inevitable, we can’t run away from the rough situations every time. and its only the rough situations that make us stronger and better.
There’s always a time when everything seems to have come to end! It all shatters in front of our eyes, and we are too helpless to even gather it all back! The traffic of depression and sorrow starts to ache our heart but all we need to do is keep that strength alive and save our self from getting run over by it.
The negativity will push you to the verge of ending everything, ending your life. Survive that and everything will fall into place eventually!
You’re designed to survive everything! Remember that!
The bigger, not necessarily the better!
Whatever seems huge doesn’t mean it’s good or better than the one who doesn’t!
For instance, a huge political party with a vast and wide network spread throughout the nation can’t surely be said to be the best one. Might be its corruption rate is as vast as its network.
Same is the case with everything that comes in our way through our life. Bigger things, might be bigger problems also. And the smaller ones might be simpler and better.
So never judge a book by its cover. A bigger something might be as hollow from the inside. And a smaller something might be of much gain! While we chose one of them, we must acquaint ourself with the actual properties that they posses.
The insides matter! A sword can’t stitch and a sword can’t write! Only a needle and a ounce would solve that purpose effectively!
Make the choice that’s intelligent not biased!
There’s always a door!
No matter how long the tunnel be, it has a side which is full of light! And to find the way out, we have to follow the light!
Just like that, no matter how dark life becomes, if we keep on looking for the light, it’ll surely come to us! We can be stuck for a while but then there’s always a door that leads the way out. the door takes us to the brighter side of life and things eventually get better.
They key is being patient and diligent while finding your right door. You’ll surely find it and you’ll get out of the darkness.
That’s how life works and that’s how happiness is found!
But efforts are needed, you can’t escape from that!
Education doesn’t really make educated!
Our country is overflowing with graduates! Graduation is treated as ‘a must’ for every student here.
But! Are we really at that level where we should be?
I guess we’re not! The quantity of education increased manifolds during previous years, leading to declination of its quality!
Students are over burdened with a detailed syllabus every year that they got to cover within a shorter span of time. And that is what leads to shortcuts.
They cram, they cheat and they do anything and everything to clear it! But they don’t really gain it! They aren’t even bothered about what they’re being taught, they just know they have to copy the stuff in their answer booklets.
The system and the students might both be at fault but by this, students gain nothing. They’re counted as educated but they’re not really educated!
That’s the reason we lag behind somewhere!
The Best Soup for your Soul, India