How to Write an Excellent Quality Scholarship Essay?

Getting admission into your dream college is a tough job itself and what makes it worse is the fear of losing the opportunity due to lack of funds. And that’s when scholarships and grants come into play. You don’t want to miss your Scholarships as they are one of the best forms of financial aid that students can receive as they don’t need to pay any money back! So, it’s a win-win situation for you.
If you’re trying to get a scholarship and need tips for writing an essay, well, we’ve got you covered!
But, it’s not an easy job to get one. Thousands of students apply for scholarships every year, and only the best ones get selected. With the school year coming to an end, this is the time to start worrying about your scholarship essay. Voila! You are at the right place to seek assistance.
We have curated 15 tips from professionals and students admitted with scholarships into their dream university on how to write an excellent quality scholarship essay. We have also added a sample with its review, so it is easy for you to understand the structure.
What is a scholarship essay?
Colleges in this day and age are definitely not cheap. Paying for college is one of the primary concerns of students today. That’s why so many students strive to get scholarships. But, nearly every scholarship application demands an essay.
Your scholarship essay is one of the major things that gives you a chance at getting that scholarship. This is why your essay needs to be impressive! It should be a small and precise representation of your personality.
Each scholarship provider has different requirements for their essay. For example, it may require specific information or a precise word limit. Whatever the prerequisites may be, it is essential to fulfilling them to qualify for the scholarship.
Why is a scholarship essay significant?
Scholarship essays are crucial. They allow you to express yourself and emphasize your best accomplishments. It gives the scholarship committee a small glimpse into your personality and helps them choose the right candidate for their scholarship. The committees receive hundreds or even thousands of applications each year. So, your scholarship essays can help you stand out from the rest of them.
Now that you’ve learned a little more about scholarship essays, here are 15 essential tips to remember when you write your own!
How to write an eye-catching scholarship essay?
Here are some tips that can help you write a scholarship essay that will make you stand out among the thousands of other applicants-
- Start Early– Take plenty of time to write the essay and re-read it several times. Brainstorm ideas! Create a structure! Proofread!
- Know your audience– It is necessary to know what the college committee has in mind for an ideal candidate. Now, cater to their expectations, but not too much. Do not lose your voice. Instead, highlight your abilities that coincide with their wants.
- Plan a structure– Ensure that your essay has an organized structure. Start with a short introduction to engage the committee, then develop the body highlighting your achievements. Then, end with a powerful conclusion. Do not go off the tangent and stick to providing relevant information.
- Start with an engaging introduction– Your introduction must draw the reader towards you and should be a powerful part of your essay. It should be a preview of what your piece will contain. Then, give the committee a reason to continue reading.
- Be optimistic– Avoid negative talk and focus on topics like overcoming challenges and how much you have learned.
- Show emotions– Showing emotions and letting the readers form a connection with you through your writing. Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerabilities because the committee does not expect you to be perfect. Instead, the committee wants to see your imperfections and how you overcome them.
- Use keywords– Fill your essay with the keywords used in the scholarship statement.
- Use Examples– Paint a picture for your reader instead of narrating your story. Examples can help make your essay less generic and help the reader see you as a person.
- Be specific– Be precise with your points and do not generalize. Get to the point and use succinct sentences.
- Highlight your achievements but be humble– Share your achievements, but don’t make a list. Try to strike a balance. Be humble and show them what you have got!
- Fascinating but to the point conclusion– Try to make your essay intriguing from the beginning to the end. But remember to keep it short and appropriate.
- Proofread– Revise! Revise! Revise! Nothing comes out perfect the first time. Some mistakes are bound to be made. If you’re still unsure after re-reading it, read it out loud!
- Ask for help– Hand your essay to a trusted friend or family member and ask them to read it for you. It lets you get a different and fresh perspective on your essay. And, they can catch any mistakes that you might have missed.
- Grammar matters– Even the tiniest mistake can distract the reader from your essay. So, before turning in your piece, make sure to run it through a grammar/ spell-checker app.
- Professionals– There are now several professionals available who can help you write or re-write your scholarship essay. They know precisely what the committees are looking for and can help you fulfill their requirements.
Steps to Write the Best Personal Essay
Your personal essay gives you the opportunity to demonstrate to scholarship committees what makes you special and why you deserve to be awarded a scholarship. It gives you the chance to market yourself.
A well-written essay will set you apart from the crowd. Create a persuasive essay that is clear, unique, and well-written. If the committee loves it, you will almost certainly be awarded a scholarship.
Do you want to know how to write a good scholarship essay? Review the instructions below and put them into practise.
Step 1: Carefully read the essay directions.
Read the essay directions thoroughly before beginning to write your essay. Make certain you comprehend what is being requested of you.
Step 2: Create a list of ideas.
Spend some time brainstorming topics once you’ve figured out what your essay needs to cover. Prepare to begin your essay by writing down your ideas in an organised manner.
Step 3: Make a rough outline.
Make an outline before you start writing your essay. Each element listed in the essay directions should be addressed in your outline.
Step 4: Create a list of outline points.
Now you can start writing your essay by expanding on each topic in your plan.
Step 5: Make sure you write clearly.
Throughout your essay, keep your writing clear, concise, and descriptive.
Step 6: List your achievements.
Confidently state your accomplishments and qualifications, but don’t brag. Arrogance or boasting will leave a bad taste in the reader’s mouth and may impair your scholarship grant chances.
Step 7: Go over your essay with a fine-toothed comb.
In a winning essay, there is no place for grammatical or spelling problems. Make sure your essay is flawless by checking and double-checking it.
Step 8: Have someone else look at your paper.
Even when you think you’re finished, you’re not. The final stage is to get your essay reviewed by someone other than yourself, preferably someone with great writing and editing skills. You’re ready to submit your essay once you’ve considered their comments and made any required modifications.
Do’s and Don’ts of writing a scholarship essay
- Know your audience- research what the committee is looking for and keep that in mind while framing your essay.
- Think outside the box- try to include points that will make you stand out from the rest of the applicants.
- Proofread- NEVER submit your scholarship essay before reviewing it several times!
- Finish the essay way before the deadline- make sure that you have plenty of time left to revise and review your essay.
- Make it personal- include examples from your life to let the reader get to know you better.
- Pay attention to the word limit.
- Write a generic essay- specific answers and examples are crucial for making an impression! Precise answers don’t let the reader forget you very quickly.
- Miss deadlines- mark the deadline on your calendar and aim to submit your essay at least fifteen days before it!
- Make the essay too long- don’t include unnecessary points. This will only make your essay longer and more boring.
- Get too complex- write a simple and straightforward essay, making it is easy to read and understand.
- Forget to highlight your achievements- use what is called a “humble brag” to highlight your achievements but still be modest.
- Copy and paste your essay- copying your piece off of the internet WILL NOT help you get a scholarship. Only one thing will happen: you will be rejected!
Well, by now, you probably understand what a scholarship essay needs to stand out. However, we have also attached a sample essay below to help you comprehend what the structure of your essay should be like.
Scholarship Essay Prompt: “Describe your identity and tell us why you deserve this scholarship.”
“Colin Powell once said, “Success is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure”. I heard this in my school once, and I have never forgotten it since. Like everyone else, I have also faced several failures, or maybe I should say challenges, in my life. But, what makes my challenges different from others is my ability to learn from them. As a result, I have the capability to always bounce back and continue forward. And, that is why I believe that I deserve this scholarship.
I can not say that I was born a gifted student. And my family’s economic condition has been of no help either. When I was in eighth grade, even my teachers gave up on me, and that is when I decided that I couldn’t let things go on like this. I vowed to take control of the situation. Initially, I started working on my grades and began to score better. In ninth grade, I scored straight A’s and realized that I needed a new hobby. So, I joined my school’s football team and became the captain by the end of my tenth grade. I also decided to run for school president. I put everything I had into the elections and finally won. You must have understood by now that once I commit to something, I do not stop until I excel in it.
I took up psychology as one of my subjects in high school and quickly developed an interest in it. I talked to my teacher about my keen interest in the subject, and she suggested that I intern at her psychologist friend’s office. I thought this was an excellent opportunity to see if this career would be the best fit for me. My teacher’s psychologist friend, Dr. Sandeep, once told me that he only let me intern at his office because he saw determination and eagerness in my eyes. On my last day there, he said to me that I have an eye for noticing behavioral patterns. This is an attribute that will help me go a long way in this field. His statement motivated me even more, and I decided that this is what I want to do. I want to become a psychologist.
My parents passed away in an accident a few years ago, and my younger brother is my responsibility now. My brother and I work at a local restaurant in my area to pay for our rent and bills. But, we both have a never-give-up attitude, just like our father, who worked hard every day to earn bread for our family. And, my brother and I will go on until we feel that we have made him proud.
I deserve this scholarship because I have the desire and resolve to become an entrusted psychologist. With the schooling that I will receive from your institute, I can achieve great heights in this field. And I can help improve the lives of numerous families. So, you’re not just helping me get through college; you are helping all those other families as well. I appreciate your consideration, and I look forward to building a lasting association with your institution.”
Why this scholarship essay worked
- There is a clear structure– The introduction summarises what the reader can expect from the rest of the essay. The body clearly provides specific and relevant details about the candidate’s life. The last paragraph also provides a clear conclusion. He expresses his gratitude towards the committee for considering his application.
- It shares a personal story– This essay paints a picture of the candidate’s life (Show, don’t tell). However, the candidate doesn’t just narrate the story; he shares his perspective and how he thinks the situation has helped him grow.
- Chronological order– The candidate’s life events unfold in chronological order. Therefore, the body flows logically and is easy to understand.
- Provides detail- The introduction immediately pulls in the reader because of the beautiful provision of detail. The specificity about his family and their condition makes it feel natural to the reader. It makes it feel more tangible.
- Positive attitude- The author has positively written the essay. Even while discussing challenging phases of his life, he stays optimistic and highlights the lessons that he has learned from his experience.
- Passion– The author has emphasized that he always works hard to achieve whatever he desires. He has clearly demonstrated his determination to get into this college.
- Succinct- The essay is straightforward and to the point, making it simple to read and understand.
- Grammar- The author has ensured that the essay is grammatically correct and does not have any spelling mistakes. These mistakes can distract the reader and put your essay in a bad light, showing that you haven’t paid attention to detail.
- Word limit– The candidate has adhered to the word limit. The essay is not too long, and the reader does not lose interest. The way of writing encourages the reader to keep reading until the end. This really makes your application stand out from the thousands of others.
So, our final point of advice would be to show your true self through this essay. Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerabilities along with your strengths. Use carefully selected language to highlight your devotion, ambition and willingness, and remember to adopt a positive attitude. Put forward a confident image. If you don’t believe in yourself, why would they?
We wish you the best!