Grow,Glow & Go…

Grow,Glow & Go…
Grow,Glow & Go…-A Bud Always Blooms!The nature is a matchless beauty because the God is the ultimate artist.
He created things and injected nothing but beauty in them. And the one thing he gifted every little being with a phenomenon called GROWTH. We all grow, physically and mentally as well. We never stay the same as life is another name of keep growing. The one that doesn’t grow is termed lifeless.
But what are we doing? We never pay heed towards it, do we? We are just going with the flow. We were infants first, than children, than teens and now some of us have entered the adult zone as well then we’ll be old and ultimately we’ll just die.
And this is what nature does to us, but what is in our control is our mental growth. Do we really let our mind grow? If we are still letting ourselves believe and follow what has been told to us then we can never be termed as grown-ups. It’s all spoon feeding, isn’t it!?
What we’re supposed to do is just let the mind open and let it learn so that it can grow! Let it get the closure and exposure with the real life, only then it’ll grow!
A seed always buds and then it blooms. That is the nature. Let it work that way!