Go Entrepreneur Go

Go Entrepreneur Go
Go Entrepreneur Go-Go Gutsy” because we all have an entrepreneur inside . The thing is we know this & we delay it in the execution.
0th Day : Yes, I am lucky enough to be in the MNC of India.
1st Day : Awesome Atmosphere, Superb Scenario & Surrounding,Satisfied with the Salary,
6th Day : Weekend off, what else you require?
60th Day :What am I doing? I think that I live a Commuter’s life. When was the last time I did something creative?
Am I losing the charm of living?
360th Day : Thank God, I have made a great decision of my life changing that company.
365th Day :Oh God, What is happening? Why am I feel like a reincarnation of the last year?
370th Day :Doctor, I am depressed & stressed.
450th Day: Oh My God, People earns money by just putting their Painting in the exhibition… What am I doing? I am
creative in Wall-Painting. I should do something…..
450 Days=1.25 Years of Life. Understand the importance.
A Smart One (Rare Case but proves to be successful 9 out of 10)
0th Day: It’s 3 days to go for the dance competition & I want to win it
3rd Day : And the winner is “Mr.Samrat”.
Anchor : So we heard that you are a Mechanical Engineer. What makes you win this competition?
Samrat : Passion.
450 Day : And the award for the Category ‘Best Choreography‘ goes to ?
You all know the answer…..
In fact,it’s pretty crystal clear & there’s nothing I should add in this conversation to make it more complex