Gaining knowledge, losing innocence!

Gaining knowledge, losing innocence!
The best thing that adorns a child is INNOCENCE!
If we go down the memory lane, we can’t stop laughing at some memories of us when we knew nothing about the things that are now meaningful to us. We used to assume different meanings of different things out of our creativity, not knowing what exactly they mean!
But what does today’s kids do?
If they don’t know anything, they’ll Google it!
Yes! They are much smarter these days and they’ll dig all the provided information and will know more than what they should! They have a vast knowledge of things!
But they’re losing that precious thing called innocence. Yes! We all know this for a fact that knowledge kills innocence. It might seem good to many that their kids know everything and that they’re smart but is it really good?
They know everything today that they’d have eventually known tomorrow. They just lost innocence to knowledge, the knowledge which would’ve not made a difference if they learned it some years later.
Let’s save these kids of today from ruining the pace. Please little ones, it’s not a race. Go slow for now as the future will eventually be faster!