Friends with no tags

Friends with no tags
Friends with no tags-Friends: The much needed spice!
What is life?!
Everyone has their own definitions and perceptions. We all look at LIFE differently because we all have different lives. To some, life is a game, to some it’s a struggle and to many it’s a chance!
If we look at life from an interesting perspective, we can term life as a recipe. The recipe that’ll give out an interesting dish as an upshot in the end! And the funny thing is, everyone has their own recipe. But the one ingredient that all of ours recipes need is “Friends”. We all have friends, some of us have many of them and some have less but there are one or more persons in everyone’s life with whom they can be crazy to the cores. And this much needed spice is what we should value the most. They’re priceless to every individual because they make life much much easier and better.
They’ll make the most sorrowful things easy to take and give us the strength to go through whatever circumstances come in life. They’ll just make it all easy, that’s what friends are for.
And the best part is, we know they’re total idiots but their companionship is all that we need to smile, to laugh and to even cry.
So, learn to value your idiots and be with them as much as you can. Take that little time out, you’ll surely smile!
Soup for the Soul