Every semester we start fresh

Every semester we start fresh
Every semester we start fresh, with fresh determinations and resolve that this semester whatever happens I will study regularly, make proper notes, attend all lectures etc. These habits last for about 2 weeks after the start of the semester and soon we start bunking a lecture or two, which follows by neglecting the ‘notes making’ resolve and then there remains no sign of regular studies.
And then suddenly there is another shock, the approaching Mid-semester exams! This brings turmoil in the lives of every student. All of a sudden the world goes topsy-turvy and all the joy fades away. The exams hang like swords upon us and we start preparing for the exam just a day before the exam. The truth then dawns upon us that the syllabus is beyond our limit and then we look for the important topics and limit our studies to key points. Doing all this, we appear for the exam.
Whatever be the case whether we pass or fail, ace the class or perform just around the average. In our minds we are proud that by studying for one night we are able to clear the subject. Be proud of yourself. And Good luck with the results 😀