Ever been the victim of eye teasing?

Ever been the victim of eye teasing?/Soup for the Soul
Ever been the victim of eye teasing?/Soup for the Soul How did you respond? Or should I ask, did you even respond? The problem of eve teasing in India has been there since decades but the problem persists because at times the girls do not respond to it giving the ‘douche bags’ the permission to do it again. And the girls are not to be blamed. The stereotype mentality of the Indian society wherein the faults are always pointed about womenfolk and the men are allowed to behave the way they want is completely unjustified. Recent times are witnessing an evolution in the perspective of people. Maybe the time has come when boys and girls will enjoy true equality. We still have a long road to complete. All I can say is if you are a Girl, be safe and take action and if you are a man then act like one, be the Mard.