Never Expires

We live but the only day we stop is the day of out death. Till that day, we might corrode but we don’t completely expire! And that goes for the biological aspects of us.
What about the personality that we possess? Does it get corroded away with time?
The answer is NO! In fact, our personality can never get obsolete, provided we take care of stepping ahead. We only grow with passing time and so does our personality. Coming across through various time, the personality keeps on growing and getting better.
Look at the “previous you” and then at the “current you”, the personality differs and that is a good change that you might witness and that comes with the maturity that we acquire with the experience!
But besides experience, the tonic for the personality is keeping it updated!
“Even the stagnant water becomes toxic” and so is the case with our personality. We got to change with the changing times, only then we’ll be fit enough in the society.
If we keep living the way we used to live in the past, things will become so hard to take that we’ll start losing the charisma towards life. A person with a supple personality is much exultant.
So, Never Expire till the day you’re destined to! Keep on pressing that “Refresh” button!